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R. Keith Iddings, PhD


Christian Nation?

An Empirical Attempt To Determine If The U.S. Is Indeed A “Christian Nation” If you spend much time in US Evangelical circles, you will likely hear many affirmations that America was founded as a Christian nation.  For many this is almost an article of faith.  And statistics support this view.  Of the US population, 78.3%…
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We the People

On Pronouns & July 4th

It may be peculiar on an auspicious holiday such as July 4th to reflect on something as inauspicious as a pronoun.  But I think the American birthday and the first person plural pronoun are profoundly interconnected.  The connection is emphatically highlighted in the oversized first word of the United States constitution.  “WE”! So what exactly…
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who's in control?

Who’s in Control?

Sennacherib was a brutal and power hungry tyrant of the seventh century BC.  He conquered much of the middle east, founded Nineveh, and destroyed the Northern kingdom of Israel to the extent that it never recovered.  He also wreaked havoc in the Southern kingdom of Judah, threatening its very existence. In 2 Kings 19:25-28, God…
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It’s not news to anyone that our society is deeply fragmented.   While the US has never truly been a melting pot, it appears that we continue to add new ways in which to separate  from one another.  Race, religion and country of origin have a long history of dividing our country.  And while we…
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Creator's intent

A Fundamental Leadership Question (Part 3)

A Conundrum In the first two blogs of this series, we have left unresolved the question of whether there is such a thing as a “moral qualification” for leadership.  While I may like to think ethical leaders are more effective than unethical, the historical record is, at best, ambiguous. For every Marcus Aurelius or George…
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ethical leadership

A Fundamental Leadership Question (Part 2)

Is Amoral Leadership Best? I left off last week with an unresolved question.  Does it matter if a leader behaves in an ethical manner?  Does integrity help or hinder the leader? Might we be teaching managers and leaders the wrong things when we have classes on leadership ethics?  Could it be best for a leader…
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morally unfit leader

A Fundamental Leadership Question (Part 1)

Morally Unfit? In an interview with USA Today’s Susan Page and Kevin Johnson, James Comey, former Director of the FBI made a presumably serious accusation.  He called Donald Trump, “morally unfit to be president.” Comey illustrated his charge with multiple examples well known to anyone who has paid any attention to the news over the…
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good in bad experiences

The Good in Bad Experiences

Friday the 13th seems a good time to discuss bad experiences.  Everyone I know tries hard to avoid bad things happening. Yet I also know of no one whose life path avoids all bumps or bruises along the way.  That’s just not how this fallen world works. And until Christ returns, Jesus’ parting words to…
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