Versailles, KY 40383

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R. Keith Iddings, PhD

the assassination of Julius Caesar


When looking through the streaming options of our local library I stumbled on a treasure trove. It seems they have the wonderful BBC productions of Shakespeare’s plays. I know I’m a bit of an outlier, but I like Shakespeare. For me, his language and artistry as a playwright are unmatched. But more than that, I…
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On Calling Fire From Heaven

Watching the videos of the assault on the US Capitol, January 6, 2021, makes my stomach churn. There is no question the attempt to subvert the centerpiece of our democracy is part of my reaction. I am dismayed by the disturbing images of Capitol police being brutalized, the obvious fear in the faces of our…
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something like a star

Something Like a Star

In my daily scripture reading this morning I was pondering two separate passages. The first was part of my Old Testament reading in Genesis. In the middle of the amazing story of Joseph and his miraculous rise to prominence in Egypt, the writer of Genesis takes a jarring detour. The 38th chapter is about a…
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restoring truth

Dear Pastor

The following is a letter I would like to address to the pastor of my own local church. But I also feel it relevant to pastors of white evangelical churches across the United States. I offer it in humble love. ************************************** Dear Pastor, I just wanted to let you know that I’m praying for you,…
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When Groups Go Bad

Us and Them

In general, being part of a group is a good thing. But sometimes groups can go bad. And moral disaster can sneak up on us if we’re not careful. Let me explain. Do you remember Friday night football games when you were in high school? I generally directed traffic in the parking lot near the…
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What Am I Doing?

I spent some time asking this question during my daily prayer time this morning. As, I’m sure was the case for many of you, I was alarmed and saddened at the news and pictures from the U.S. Capitol last evening (January 6, 2021). A large group of rioters and insurrectionists forced their way into this…
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Goals and shifting sand

The Illusion of Control

As a dutiful, goal-oriented American, I took some time this past week to assess how well I’d met the goals I set last New Year. The results were not good. As I recall, I had put quite a bit of time into all the success steps recommended by experts. I had assessed my current situation.…
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Voting Guide

The Conscientious Voter (Part 3:Voting Guide)

In Part 2 of this series I looked at the various criteria that we voters might consider when choosing between candidates for elected office. Just like any hiring decision, which aspects of the job applicant’s background are most important must be sorted out in order to make a final decision. I suggested most hiring managers,…
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The light of the liminal time

Living in the “Liminal” Time

“Liminal” — A Great Word I like words.  Though I’m aware that this love of vocabulary can sometimes seem pretentious or pedantic, I find it difficult to control.  Obscure words just seem to pop into my head in normal conversation.  In general, I’m ok with that.   Given my tendency, I was pleased during Sunday…
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The Conscientious Voter (Part 2: Criteria)

Our Vote Matters In November As we stagger toward the upcoming November elections here in the United States, I am daily reminded of the stakes.  Our elected leaders clearly are not simple ornamental bushes planted atop the substantial bureaucratic soil that nourishes and keeps our society running smoothly.  At certain times congressional representatives, senators, governors,…
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