Versailles, KY 40383

Category: Miscellaneous Reflections

R. Keith Iddings, PhD

Psalm 8:3

What is Easter All About

A brief explanation of the Christian gospel and the significance of the resurrection.

Christian maturity is complex

It’s Complicated!

For several months now, I have felt a bit on the defensive concerning many of the issues that have surfaced during 2020. Perhaps you have as well. I know it’s rather paranoid of me, but it feels as if my every action or decision is subject to critical review and judgement. Having spent much of…
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face masks limit toxic waste

Toxic Waste

My workbench in the garage tends to accumulate clutter.  As I work on a project, items I use begin to inhabit all available space.  Eventually, the workbench is no longer useful for work and I must make the effort to actually put things back where they belong. Over the past several weeks, I’ve been working…
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church on the moon

Taking Our Church To The Moon?

My noise-cancelling headphones make cutting the grass a bit easier for me. While pushing our battery-powered mower up and down the hills in our yard I shuffle the broad range of music accumulated over the years and stored on my phone. My playlist is eclectic and includes classical, opera, country, jazz, swing, pop, gospel, and…
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The Conscientious Voter (Part 1: Introduction)

As we head toward another significant U.S. election this coming November, I have been pondering how I should vote.   What criteria should I use in selecting whom to support?  Are there considerations that a Christ-follower like me should make paramount?  Are there particular views, policies, or traits that should unconditionally disqualify a candidate?  Should…
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Following Jesus sparks a fire

“I Have Come to Bring Fire”

This morning I heard that Germany was once again hit by a mass shooting.  The New York Times reported that late Wednesday, February 19, a 43 year-old gunman opened fire in Hanau at two bars frequented by immigrants, killing nine.  According to the Times and other media outlets reviewing the evidence, the shooting was motivated…
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Professional identity

Who Am I?

I’ve finally got my car in the garage, just in time for winter.  For the past couple years, one side of our garage was filled with “stuff.”  We had crammed it with all my woodworking equipment, empty moving boxes from the past move, lawn and garden tools, assorted games, coolers, folding chairs, and scrap wood. …
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“He who learns must suffer . . .”

Trivia question.  In 458 BC, What production won the award for Best Picture, Best Original Script, and Best Director.   Okay.   You’re right.  There were no Academy Awards at that time.  But ancient Greece did hold the Dionysia festival every year in which the greatest playwrights of the age competed to see who could…
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The patience of pawns

The Patience of Pawns

We Hate to Wait None of us likes the feeling of having nothing productive to do.  Standing in a grocery line or sitting at a bus stop feels like a waste of time.  We do not like waiting.  Yet there are times when waiting can be strategically important.  I constantly need this reminder.  I feel…
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football wisdom

Every Play Matters

Football Wisdom Being a Wisconsin Badgers football fan is usually a pretty positive experience.  The Badgers have had strong teams over the past quarter century. Though they may not win many national championships, they are generally toward the top of the Big Ten conference almost every year.  So it was with sadness that I watched…
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