Versailles, KY 40383

Category: Faith-Filled Servanthood

R. Keith Iddings, PhD

Christian maturity is complex

It’s Complicated!

For several months now, I have felt a bit on the defensive concerning many of the issues that have surfaced during 2020. Perhaps you have as well. I know it’s rather paranoid of me, but it feels as if my every action or decision is subject to critical review and judgement. Having spent much of…
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Following Jesus sparks a fire

“I Have Come to Bring Fire”

This morning I heard that Germany was once again hit by a mass shooting.  The New York Times reported that late Wednesday, February 19, a 43 year-old gunman opened fire in Hanau at two bars frequented by immigrants, killing nine.  According to the Times and other media outlets reviewing the evidence, the shooting was motivated…
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The Gunfighter

I listened to a CNN interview with commentator Peter Wehner about his July 5th article in the Atlantic magazine.  His contention made a great deal of sense.  From his perspective, evangelical whites believe they are in an existential fight for survival.  The enemy is not the Soviets or atheistic totalitarians.  Rather it is the liberal…
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If You Can Wait . . .

Perhaps there are many who have great patience.  I’ve know a few. These placid souls are calm in the face of waiting.  They seem impervious to the nervous energy and anxiety a prolonged wait often generates in most folks.  They are those described by Rudyard Kipling’s depiction of a complete “man” in the classic poem…
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Keith Iddings Consulting

Attitude Adjustment

My father died in 2015.  Though his final years were difficult due to the ravages of dementia, I can unequivocally say, he lived a life of significance.  He was a dean for many years at a Wright State University and after “retirement” headed teacher education and graduate programs at John Brown University. But he was…
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Bookshelf Learning

Knowledge & Vital Piety

John Wesley founded Kingswood School in 1748 in Bristol, England.  At its inaugural ceremony a newly penned hymn composed by his brother Charles was sung.  The fifth verse encapsulates the aim of the school and also summarizes my own ideal of Christian education and discipleship for any age. Unite the pair so long disjoined, Knowledge…
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