Versailles, KY 40383


R. Keith Iddings, PhD

morally unfit leader

A Fundamental Leadership Question (Part 1)

Morally Unfit? In an interview with USA Today’s Susan Page and Kevin Johnson, James Comey, former Director of the FBI made a presumably serious accusation.  He called Donald Trump, “morally unfit to be president.” Comey illustrated his charge with multiple examples well known to anyone who has paid any attention to the news over the…
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good in bad experiences

The Good in Bad Experiences

Friday the 13th seems a good time to discuss bad experiences.  Everyone I know tries hard to avoid bad things happening. Yet I also know of no one whose life path avoids all bumps or bruises along the way.  That’s just not how this fallen world works. And until Christ returns, Jesus’ parting words to…
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If You Can Wait . . .

Perhaps there are many who have great patience.  I’ve know a few. These placid souls are calm in the face of waiting.  They seem impervious to the nervous energy and anxiety a prolonged wait often generates in most folks.  They are those described by Rudyard Kipling’s depiction of a complete “man” in the classic poem…
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Keith Iddings Consulting

Attitude Adjustment

My father died in 2015.  Though his final years were difficult due to the ravages of dementia, I can unequivocally say, he lived a life of significance.  He was a dean for many years at a Wright State University and after “retirement” headed teacher education and graduate programs at John Brown University. But he was…
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Is Anchored Leadership An Oxymoron?

Anchored Leadership.  It sounds like a mixed metaphor, doesn’t it?  Anchors are all about making sure something doesn’t move.  Leadership is all about movement. How can the two go together? Perhaps it is an oxymoron, but it captures the paradox of leadership.  A leader is one who goes before others, influencing the direction, finding ways…
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Bookshelf Learning

Knowledge & Vital Piety

John Wesley founded Kingswood School in 1748 in Bristol, England.  At its inaugural ceremony a newly penned hymn composed by his brother Charles was sung.  The fifth verse encapsulates the aim of the school and also summarizes my own ideal of Christian education and discipleship for any age. Unite the pair so long disjoined, Knowledge…
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