Versailles, KY 40383

Attitude Adjustment

R. Keith Iddings, PhD

Attitude Adjustment

Keith Iddings Consulting

My father died in 2015.  Though his final years were difficult due to the ravages of dementia, I can unequivocally say, he lived a life of significance.  He was a dean for many years at a Wright State University and after “retirement” headed teacher education and graduate programs at John Brown University. But he was not a particularly flashy individual.  Rarely was his name highlighted in the papers. He published no books. He was not a noted speaker. A Google search would uncover few posts.

But my dad was a great man.  A leader of considerable influence.  I continue to run into people who worked with him and they affirm how much he impacted their lives.  He led change wherever he was. And though he never pushed himself into the consciousness of the general public, his impact continues to reverberate.

Puzzling though it may seem, the world is full of people of significance who are unknown and unrecognized, yet have an oversized impact on the well-being of the world.  I don’t know all the elements that go into such a life. Likely such leaders come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. But I do know one of the reasons my dad had a positive effect wherever he was.  He had an attitude of service–not to himself, but to God and to others.

Soon after Dad’s death, my sister unearthed a prayer Dad had posted in his office for years.  I’m not sure of its origin or provenance, but I think it explains his legacy. What a blessing it would be to the world if more aspiring leaders would pray this prayer with my dad.

Lord, I choose to give myself to You, whatever the cost may be. Take every aspect of my life and use me for Your Kingdom to glorify Your name. I m not here on earth to do my own thing, or seek my own fulfillment or my own glory.

I’m not here to indulge my desires, to increase my possessions, to impress people, to be popular, to prove I’m somebody important, or to promote myself. I m not here to be relevant or successful by human standards. I’m here to please You.

The desire of my heart is to discover what it means to delight in You. I want to have my heart captivated and my mind entranced by the superlative beauty and incomparable sweetness of who You are. I understand that delighting in You alone will dislodge sin from my heart. So help me to learn more fully how to enjoy You, love You, worship You, serve You and be exuberant in my love for you. I’ll do anything that You want me to do, go anywhere that You want me to go and say anything that You want me to say.

Father, there isn’t any gift that You have for me that I don’t want. If You want to use me in a way that I m not used to, I yield myself to that. Today I rededicate myself to You. I love You, my God, and I choose to live and serve in Your way. I trust You, Lord, to do that which I cannot do myself. Teach me, guide me, and empower me and reveal yourself through me.

In Jesus Name, Amen